The Global Interfaith WASH Alliance’s Ms. Nandini Tripathi, Director of Programme Implementation, participated at the Sixth Annual World Peace Forum in Jakarata, Indonesia, recently. The high level meeting included over 180 religious leaders, activists, scholars, and civil society organisations and government representatives from 42 countries across the world gathered to discuss Countering Violent Extremism: Human Dignity, Global Injustice, and Collective Responsibility. Co-organized by SMK MUHAMMADIYAH, the Cheng Ho Multi-Culture Education Trust, and the Centre for Dialogue and Cooperation among Civilisations CDCC from the 1st – 4th November, 2016 in Jakarta.
The Forum was inaugurated by H.E. Presiden Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia. The Forum explored the pull and push factors that trigger violent extremism and shared the challenges and best practices in preventing, mitigating and responding to violent extremism. It was supported by the Religions for Peace and other international and national organizations. A two-page resolution was developed to suggest and recommend the way forward.